7.7 RA Remote Auto
Light output is controlled by the sensor located on the front of the remote
Qflash. F number and ISO information are sent to the flash from the
Use this mode if you want a remote flash to have the dedication of a TTL
flash, but the simplicity of the automatic sensor.
Radio: Defaults to receive (RX) mode.
: No pre flash required. Very quick mode. No time delay
between shutter and flash. Sensor limit available.
: Since exposure is controlled by the sensor on flash, user needs
to be mindful of camera placement. If the camera and flash are in widely
different locations, the picture may not be properly exposed.
7.8 RG Remote Group
Allows full control of remote Qflashes whose mode is set on the control
panel located on the local Qflash Trio.
Use this mode if you plan on making frequent changes to the settings on
the remote flash, such as mode, f number, and power
Radio: Defaults to receive (RX) mode.
: Greatest flexibility in flash set up without leaving camera
position.. Multiple flashes in mixed modes possible.
: Slower response, not good for action shots.
7.9 AM Advanced Multi
This mode allows the user to have full control over three remote Qflash
groups. There is no limit to how many flashes can be set to any one
group. Mode, F number, power, and even linking the exposure of a
remote flash group can all be set from the push buttons on the local
Radio: Defaults to QTTL mode. TTL ratio information will be sent to the
remote Qflash / Trio.
: Possible to set up mixed mode lighting set ups and make
changes without walking over to the remotes. Good mode to use if the
remotes are inaccessible.
: Slow to use, not good for action shots.