The Myoelectric Trainer (MYOELECTRIC) is designed to teach and demonstrate the fundamentals of processing
electromyographic signals. The system can be configured to utalize a veriety of filtering and control methods to
process the muscular signals and control the position of the clamps on the servo. In particular, the system can be
used to teach linear envelope filtering, zero-order hold, position control and the basics of LabVIEW coding. This is
done using a PC with real-time control capabilities and the NI ELVIS II. The hardware of the MYOELECTRIC trainer
is described in Section 2. A schematic of the hardware components is included in Section 3, and the specifications
are listed in Section 4 and Section 5. Some helpful LabVIEW hints when using the QNET VIs are given in Section
7 along with a troubleshooting guide in Section 8.
Figure 1.1: QNET Myoelectric Trainer (MYOELECTRIC)