4. The command position (and acceleration) must first be loaded into the MATLAB environment.
Select your
earthquake record and run the make_quake_xyz.m script
to load the scaled data. For more information
about using the make_quake_xyz.m script, see Section 4.3.
5. Click on QUARC | Build in Hexapod_Earthquake.mdl to generate the controller.
6. Run the QUARC controller by going to QUARC | Start. The top stage should begin tracking the loaded earth-
quake (or sine wave).
Caution: PRESS DOWN on the RED BUTTON of the E-Stop switch to stop the Hexapod.
deactivates the amplifier and cuts off the DC motor power.
7. Typical position and acceleration responses when running the Northridge earthquake is shown in Figure 2.9
for the x-axis.
(a) Position along X-Axis
(b) Measured Acceleration along X-Axis
(c) Computed Acceleration along X-Axis
Figure 2.9: Hexapod stage position and acceleration when running Northridge earthquake.
8. The controller stops by itself when the duration of the earthquake (or sine) is reached. The controller can be
stopped, however, by clicking on the Stop button in the Simulink diagram tool bar at any time.
9. Shut off the Hexapod power switch if no more experiments will be conducted.
10. To plot the FFT of the position or acceleration, run
. See Section 2.7 for
HEXAPOD Laboratory Guide