Electronic Temperature Monitor
E C N - 2 7 6 4 4
1 9
J u l y 7 , 2 0 1 0
Using the Model 118 in the European Community
The Model 118 is intended to mount in the customer’s panel, enclosure or be
otherwise protected so that only the face of the instrument is accessible to the
operator. There are potentially hazardous voltages (mains) on the rear terminals
of the unit.
The mains supply power to both the Model 118 and the cooling fans for the
customer’s transformer. The wire size required for mains wiring is dependent on
the fan current and must be determined by the customer.
The user must supply appropriate anchorage for the mains wiring.
The Model 118 is designed to be installed in Installation category III per EN
61010-1 (low voltage directive).
A terminal connected to the Model 118 chassis is provided as TB1-11. This
provides the means to connect the Model 118 front panel to the grounding system
of the cabinet or enclosure.
To meet the requirements of the EN 61010-1 paragraph
A switch or circuit breaker must be provided to control power to the unit.
It shall be in close proximity to the unit and within easy reach of the operator.
It shall be marked as the disconnecting device for the equipment.
Radio Frequency interference above Level 1 of EN 61000-4-6
on the
Mains wiring may affect the reading of the Model 118. This is a very unlikely
type of interference in the usual environment of the Model 118. In the event that
this type of interference is present, an RF filter will need to be applied to the
Mains wiring external to the Model 118.
The Model 118 is immune to
Radio Frequency interference such as that
caused by hand held radio transmitters or cellular telephones.
There are 2 types of fuses used in the unit.
20A fuse 0.25 inch x 1.25 inch Type F
1A fuse 0.25 inch x 1.25 inch Type F
The 20A fuse monitors the Fan Current. If this fuse fully opens, properly trained
maintenance personnel must determine the cause of the problem and with the
power turned OFF to the Model 118, change the fuse. This fuse is on the rear of
the unit and is only accessible by the use of a tool to gain access to the rear of the
The 1A fuse monitors the current going into the Model 118 electronic section. It is
located above the FAN#1 terminal block. If the 1A fuse opens, it should only be
replaced by a fuse of the same type and rating; Amp AGC-1.