Electronic Temperature Monitor
E C N - 2 7 6 4 4
1 3
J u l y 7 , 2 0 1 0
View / Change Config –
Opens a screen that allows the entry of
configuration information. One can then download the configuration to an ETM
and / or save it to a configuration file. It is also possible to upload the existing
configuration from the ETM to the Configuration screen
The configuration Software allows the user to set up the following parameters of
the ETM:
Active Channels – Any one or 2 of the 3 input channels can be turned off, if
they are not being used in an application.
Fan / Alarm / Trip setpoint and switching differential (hyteteresis) can be set
to determine at what temperature the relays turn on and off.
Trip relay can be set to failsafe (normally energized) or not failsafe (normally
Fan Exerciser – the fan exerciser function can be turned ON or OFF. When it
is ON, the time between turning the fans on, and the run time can be set.
SCADA Remote Output can be set to operate from hottest phase or only
center phase.
Reverse thermocouple sense feature can be activated or de-activated. This
allows an inadvertent sensor-wiring problem to be detected quickly. If the
thermocouple is connected incorrectly, as the temperature goes up, the display
temperature goes down. If the reverse thermocouple feature is activated, when
the thermocouple reaches 30°C below the (internal) ambient temperature chip,
the unit will go into “fault” mode. In some instances a sudden increase in
ambient, such as early morning sun shining on a unit where the transformer is
still cold may cause the same result. In this case the reverse thermocouple
feature can be de-activated, and the unit will require a 70°C difference
between the thermocouple and ambient to go into “fault” mode.
The communications parameters for the optional RS-485 output can be set.
Send configuration data to ETM – This will cause the displayed configuration
data to be written to the ETM. After the data is changed in the ETM memory,
the ETM will reset to activate the new values.
Get configuration data from ETM – This reads the configuration currently in
the ETM and displays that data on the screen.
Save – This will save the current configuration to the current open file (if it is
the default file, it will overwrite it).
Save as – Allows the current configuration to be saved to a new file name or
different path.
Done – exits this window.
Print Configuration -
Prints the configuration screen.