The Trusted Source
QRC JK Rear Bumper Installation:
Put on safety glasses. Open the tailgate
and swing it & the spare tire out of the
way. Remove the four M10 bolts (2 per
side) holding the rear bumper brackets
to frame using a 16mm socket. (FIG1)
Remove the four M10 bolts holding the
rear bumper support brackets to the
frame using a 16mm socket. (see FIG2)
Remove bumper from vehicle.
Figure 1
Figure 2
If equipped, remove the three bolts
attaching the original recovery hook
using a 18mm socket. (FIG3) Recovery
hook will not be reused with the new
rear bumper.
Insert the provided nut plates inside of
the frame rails as shown (FIG4).
Figure 3
Figure 4
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