Creating User Chords on the Chord
To create a new chord, first access user chords, and select the chord you want to replace.
Then hold the Harm button, and press the Mode button. This will enter the chord editor for
the selected chord.
The Mode LED will begin to blink white.
V/Oct and Lead will be disabled while editing chords.
The Coarse knob will adjust the fundamental (root note) so the chord can be heard at dif-
ferent pitches while editing.
The Fine knob will control the note that will output from the Third jack.
The Voicing knob will control the note that will output from the Fifth jack.
The Quality knob will control the note that will output from the Seventh jack.
All chord tones can be set to any note between the root, and two octaves above the root.
Pressing the Triad button will control whether the chord tones are quantized to semitones or
not. It will be illuminated white when the chord tones are quantized. This setting is unique
for each chord.
Chords are stored on an SD card if an SD card is present.
To save the chord, and exit the menu press the mode button.
Accessing User Wavetables
Hold Mode button for three seconds to switch between factory and user wavetables.
When user wavetables are selected, the inactive quality LEDs will be a dim white, instead
of off.
The Chord will automatically load a .WAV file from the SD Card if it can find one (if there are
more than one, only one will be loaded).
For extra fun, try just dropping in a song, or a sample. There are some cool results.