Software Configuration Manual
Configure deny action and threshold of ARP
ARP anti-flood attack has two kind of source mac deny for arp overspeed
the speed of sending arp packet is beyond
: one is deny arp packet from this mac, the other is deny all packets from this mac. Configure
following command in global configuration mode :
arp anti-flood action { deny-arp | deny-all } threshold rate-limit
Threshold range is from 1-100 pps. By default, the deny action is deny-arp and threshold is 16 pps.
Example :
! Configure deny action to be all packets deny and threshold to be 10 pps
QTECH(config)#arp anti-flood action deny-all threshold 10
Configure ARP anti-flood recover-time
The banned MAC in ARP anti-flood attack will be auto-recover after a certain time. Use this command in global
configuration mode :
arp anti-flood recover-time time
The recover time can be configured in the range of 0-1440 minutes. If time is 0
it means never auto-recover.
Example :
! Configure recover time to be 20 minutes
QTECH(config)#arp anti-flood recover-time 20
Default recover time is 10 minutes.
ARP anti-flood MAC recover
The banned MAC can auto-recover after recover time and specified and all banned MAC can cover manually. Use
this command in global configuration mode :
arp anti-flood recover { mac | all }
Example :
! Recover banned mac : 00 : 0a : 5a : 00 : 02 : 02
QTECH(config)#arp anti-flood recover 00 : 0a : 5a : 00 : 02 : 02
! Recover all banned mac
QTECH(config)#arp anti-flood recover all