Operating Procedures
4.1 Attaching the Electrode Strip
Caution :
Do not tug the cables attaching the external electrodes (RA, LA,
LL) to the Electrode Strip. Keep the cables and the 3 external electrodes
clear of the adhesive side on the Electrode Strip.
If placement of
the Electrode Strip
needs adjustment,
the Electrode Strip
can be taken off
and reapplied for
Open the QT ECG Electrode Strip package. Remove the release liner
using the Attaching the Electrode Strip.
With the adhesive side facing the patient, place the strip on the patient’s
chest. First, position the blue box at the center of the chest, between the
nipples. Then, wrap the strip from the center of the chest around the
left side of the chest. The Red Arrow should be pointing to the left nipple.
For females, the Strip should go under the left breast. For patients with
large breasts, it may be easier to apply the electrode strip by lying supine
(face up) with the left breast up.