Steam Q1a Operation Manual Rev 4.1.2
24 August 2006
DCC Programming
Most DCC command stations currently available will program Quantum equipped locomotives in Service Mode
on a programming track
or Operations (Ops) Mode on the main track. In Service Mode, your locomotive (if queried) will report back CV values to your command
station. In Ops Mode, reports are verbal using the locomotive sound system.
Changing the System Volume Electronically in CV 51.0
You can change the volume either manually (as described in the
Special Operation and Troubleshooting section) or electronically using QSI
CV 51.0 in DCC. To change volume in Service or Ops Mode, do the following:
Set CV 49 to 0.
Enter the System Volume in CV 51.
The System Volume can be set to any value between 0 (no sound) and 127 (100%). The default
System Volume is 127.
Note: When you change the System Volume in Ops Mode, you will immediately notice the change in volume.
Note: System Volume changes in DCC also apply to Analog and vice-versa.
Changing the Mute Volume Electronically in CV 51.1
To change the Mute Volume in Service or Ops Mode, do the following:
Set CV 49 to 1.
Enter the Mute Volume in CV 51.
The Mute Volume can be set to any value between 0 (no sound) and 63 (50%). The default Mute
Volume is 0.
Note: When you change the Mute Volume in Ops Mode, and the locomotive is muted, you will immediately notice the change in Volume.
Note: The effective Mute Volume level will be the smaller of the Mute Volume setting or one-half the current System Volume. In other words, the effective
Mute Volume will never be more than one half of the System Volume.
Enable/Disable Whistle Triggered Doppler Shift (CV 51.2)
Set CV 49 to 2.
Set CV 51, bit 0 to 0 to disable Whistle Triggered Doppler; set to
1 to enable Whistle Triggered Doppler.
Changing Individual Sound Volumes (CV 52.X
To change the volume of individual sounds listed in the table below do the following
Set CV 49 to the Primary Index for the individual sound from the table below.
Enter Volume level in CV 52 as follows: “0” = No sound, “1 – 15” sets volume from the lowest level at “1” to the highest at “15”, with
volume levels at 2db increments.
Defaults are typically 11 except
for Blower Hiss, which is typically set at 8.
Primary Index entered into CV 49
Individual Sound
0 Whistle
8 Bell
Chuff 1 (steam exhaust)
11 Chuff
15 Cylinder
16 Pump
17 Pump
19 Blower
Long Air Let-off
Short Air Let-off
24 Squealing
35 If your DCC command station will not program in Service Mode, check with the command station manufacturer; some companies will give you a free upgrade. Also, see Special
Operation and Troubleshooting on pages 21-22.
36 In Ops Mode, you will hear the value spoken out when changing the value of a CV.
37 ‘X’ refers to the value in column 1 of the table, the Primary Index number that will be entered into CV 49.
38 Setting any Individual Sound Volumes in DCC will also apply to Analog and vice-versa.
39 Volume setting for Chuff 1 and Chuff 2 will also apply to Analog. However, since there is only one setting for Chuff Volume in Analog, POP 26 will change the volume level of Chuff
1, which will also apply to Chuff 2. When returning to DCC, both Chuff Volumes will be at the same value as set in Analog.
40 Volume setting for Pump 1 and Pump 2 will also apply to Analog. However, since there is only one setting for Pump Volume in Analog, POP 26 will change the volume level of
Pump 1, which will also apply to Pump 2. When returning to DCC, both Pump Volumes will be at the same value as set in Analog.