Note that the Rev 2/3/4 PCB allows the output side of each LPF / relay-switch to be connected
either to the common RF Output signal, or to individual connection pads. In this way, you can use
either a single antenna, or connect different antennas for each band. The choice is arranged by
wire jumpers, described below.
The Rev 4 PCB provides space for a vertical or edge-mounted SMA RF socket.
3. Parts List
Panasonic TX2-5V relays. Six are supplied (five are installed on the LPF kit PCB, one is
provided for the installation on the Ultimate3 kit PCB)
1N4148 diode. Six are supplied (five are installed on the LPF kit PCB, one is provided for the
installation on the Ultimate3 kit PCB)
10 of
4-way female header sockets
1 of
10-way (2 x 5) female header socket
1 of
10-way (2 x 5) male header plug, extended (tall) size
4 of
25mm nylon hex spacers
1 of
Printed circuit board, 80 x 37mm size
4. Construction
Please refer to the parts placement diagram below.
The order of construction is not important but a good principle to follow is to install the smaller components
first, so that the larger ones do not prevent easy access.
The following photographs show PCB Rev 1; later revisions are the same but have additional jumper pads
to facilitate the use of multiple antennas if required (described below). The Rev 2 PCB also has silk-screen
text labels “IN” and “OUT” to ensure that you plug in the low pass filter modules with the correct