Note 2
: The VFO kit does not contain a real time clock of its own. The clock display functionality is
only available if a GPS receiver is connected with decodable data and has a satellite lock.
Note 3
: The table also indicates the behaviour when no GPS data has been received yet, or when
the GPS data validity flag is set to “V” (invalid data). This typically occurs for a few seconds after
power up until the GPS has scanned the satellites and received enough for a fix computation.
Many of these tags are derived from data sent by the optionally connected GPS receiver module.
This information is updated with freshly decoded data from the GPS every second. It comes from the
following NMEA sentences.
$GPRMC: Latitude, Longitude, Validity flag, Date, Time
$GPGSA: Type of fix, None, 2D, 3D
$GPGGA: Number of satellites in fix, Altitude
$GPGSV: Number of satellites being tracked, signal strength
Scrolling display data
You can also display multiple pieces of information sequentially on each line. Each line display is
delimited by the delimiter character
(the inverted space character). The display will then loop
around all the displays configured, displaying each in turn.
For example, if you enter Line 2 as: “#GV #GG F#GF T#GT S#GS
Long: #LN Lat: #LT
Alt: #AT”,
then you have specified four separate displays, each delimited by the
character. The bottom line
will cycle through the four items:
i) Satellite information display (#GV #GG F#GF T#GT S#GS)
ii) Longitude display (Long: #LN)
iii) Latitude display (Lat: #LT)
iv) Altitude display (Alt: #AT)
The time each of these sub-lines is displayed is also configurable! See next section.
Line 1 Pause
The number of seconds the sub-lines are displayed for, on Line1. This is only relevant if you have
configured multiple sub-lines for the display to cycle through, using the
delimiter character (see
previous section). The default is 3 seconds.
An identical setting is available for Line 2, Line 3 and Line 4. So that each line could, if you wish,
have different cycle display times.
Note that the configuration settings for lines 3 and 4 are only visible if you have configured the
Rows” parameter to 4 rows (see later section).