LCD Rows
This kit can be used with any similar HD47780-compatible display having 2 or 4 rows. The supplied
LCD has 2 rows and this is the default for this parameter. If you wish to use a larger display, you can
edit this parameter to access rows 3 and 4. When set to 2 rows, the Line 3, Line 4, Line 3 Pause and
Line 4 pause parameters are hidden in the menu system.
LCD Cols
This kit can be used with any similar HD47780-compatible display having 16, 20, 24 or 40 characters
per row (columns). The supplied LCD has 16 columns and this is the default for this parameter. If you
wish to use a larger display, you can edit this parameter.
This setting allows the LCD screen's blue LED backlight brightness to be adjusted, IF you fitted the
A0-A3 jumper wire when building the kit. The default value is 9 (maximum brightness). 0 corresponds
to minimum brightness
– the backlight is switched off.
You should also note that the backlight brightness control is achieved by 8-bit pulse width modulation
of the LED voltage. The frequency is 610Hz and the duty cycle is varied. Pulsing the 30mA LED
could introduce noise onto the power supply so if you are also using a receiver you should check that
interference is not caused.
3. Factory Reset
On powering up the kit, a message is shown for a few seconds on the LCD, which indicates the
version number. If the Right button is pressed during the display of this splash screen message, then
a confirmation message appears saying “Reset? Sure? Press left btn”. Now if you press the left
button, the chip EEPROM contents are erased and returned to the original factory settings.
The effect of this feature is to entirely return the microcontroller chip to its original settings, it is the
same as buying a new chip and inserting it. All calibration settings are erased and returned to the
default settings.