Atmospheric Oil Mist Detection System
TM4 / AUGUST 2018
EMAIL [email protected] WEBSITE 4 East Barnet Road, London, England, EN4 8RW TEL +44 (0)20 7328 3121
A TRIPLEX system with 1 Sensor will always use Wiring Option 1. However, there are
two wiring options for a TRIPLEX system with 2 or 3 Sensors. An optional unboxed
3-way PCB can be installed to reduce the size of bulkhead penetrations and the amount
of cable needed, see Wiring Option 2 below.
WIRING FROM THE TRIPLEX CMU (for both options)
Photograph of Power Supply Board (Sheet-20)
Drawings QMI-06-118: Power Supply Board (Sheet-21)
Schematic of enlarged section of Power Supply Board connectors (Q01T05) (Sheet-21)
WIRING OPTION 1 (Sheet-22 to Sheet-24)
For 1, 2, or 3 Sensors where each Sensor has individual cables connected to the
Monitor. All wiring connectors for the Sensors, alarms and power are on the Power
Supply Board.
Schematic of layout for Wiring Option 1 Sheet-22
QMI-06-119: Connections from Sensors to Monitor Sheet-24
QMI-06-120: Wiring from Sensors to Monitor Sheet-23
WIRING OPTION 2 (See Sheet-25 to Sheet-30)
For 2 or 3 Sensors with wiring from the Monitor to the plant room with 1 cable the
cable is wired into a PCB mounted in a junction box (supplied by the installer). Then
individual cables are run to the Sensor.
Benefits: Less cable is needed.
Schematic of layout for Wiring Option 2, see Sheet-25
Photograph of unboxed 3-way PCB for a junction box Sheet-26
Unboxed 3-way PCB see Sheet-25
Wiring connectors from PCB to Sensor see Sheet-28
Wiring from Junction box to Monitor See Sheet-29
Wiring from Junction box to Sensors See Sheet-30