Interface Intoduction
On front of the camera, you can connect the center/tilt adjust ring. The ring has M54/0.75 female thread. On
backside of the camera there is the 12V DC power input port and USB3.0 port. On the side of the front part
of the camera, there is a silicon gel tube socket.
Use QHY4040 in SharpCap
1. Connect 12V power cable and USB3.0 cable.
2. Run SharpCap software. And select the QHY4040 in the "camera" menu. If everthing is ok, the video
image will appear on the display window and you will see the frame rate on left bottom of the software.
3. Turn on SharpCap. If If you cannot find the QHY4040 in the "camera" menu, you can try "re-scan" camera
in this menu.
4. Adjust offset. You can cover the lens and check the image. The image maybe not very dark. You need
to adjust the offset. You can open the histogram window to help you to find a suitable offset. Normally
speaking, you need to adjust the offset and let the background peak in the histogram to visible, above
zero and near to zero. It is best to keep the whole peak is above zero.
By check the “LX” mode, you can expand the exposure time in the exposure time progress bar. You can
try some longer exposre and you will see some hot pixel appears; you can set the cooler and cooling
the cmos sensor and reduce the dark current. The hot pixel will become less. The following picture is a
typical picture of -10C, 10sec exposure and gain = 50.