User’s Manual 5
rivers Auto-Installation
Before You Begin
All installation instructions assumes the CD-ROM disk is located
in drive D: and Windows 95 is in C:\Windows. Replace either
with the actual location if necessary.
Operating System Requirements
For all AGP feature benefits, use Windows 95 OSR2.1 or the later
version. To install Windows 95 OSR2.1, first install OSR2.0 then
upgrade to OSR2.1 by installing USBSUPP which is provided by
Microsoft. You can contact the distributor of Windows 95 OSR2
for USBSUPP supplement.
Installation of ZX1280 Display Drivers for
Windows 95/98/NT
The display drivers can be automatically installed into Windows
95, Windows 98 and Windows NT4.0.
Installing Standard VGA Driver
It is recommended that you first install Windows 95/98/NT with
the ZX1280 AGP card already installed. After the installation of
Windows 95/98/NT, the default VGA driver should have been in-
stalled first.