SprayMaster® System User Manual | www.PyranhaInc.com | Houston, Texas
SINCE 1972
Troubleshooting Solutions
Possible Causes
System does not operate at
the correct times.
Time of day incorrect.
Check the timer to be sure the time of day is correct.
System does not run
automatically or when you
press the extra run button.
1. Tripped breaker or no power.
2. Tank is empty and float is cutting
power to the motor.
3. Float line being pulled or is tangled.
1. Check breaker panel. Plug in another appliance to same receptacle to make sure there is power.
2. Fill your system with water and your preferred Pyranha® Concentrate.
3. Check float line to make sure it is not being pulled or is stuck on something.
System runs but not
pumping fluid.
1. The tank is empty.
2. The intake filter is clogged.
3. Pump needs to be primed.
1. Fill your system with water and your preferred Pyranha® Concentrate.
2. Remove filter and rinse it clean or replace with a new one.
3. A) Remove nozzle tubing from discharge elbow and hit the “Extra Run” button. If fluid shoots out of
the discharge elbow, reattach the nozzle tubing and open the bleed valve until liquid comes out and
then close the valve.
B) Remove nozzle tubing from discharge elbow, remove the system from the drum and twist off the
intake filter form the brass fitting. Take a water hose and with low pressure, hold it up to the brass
fitting. With your other hand press the “Extra Run” button. Water should spray out of the discharge
elbow. Reassemble the system and run.
If options A or B do not work, call or visit pyranhainc.com for a new pump. (007PPH)
Not all nozzles are spraying
or very little spray coming
out of tips.
1. System not building enough
2. Spray tip filters are clogged.
3. Intake filter is clogged and not
allowing enough fluid through.
1. Turn Pressure Regulating Valve clockwise until the pressure gauge is between 190psi - 210psi.
2. Purchase new tips from your local authorized dealer.
3. Clean or replace the intake filter. (006IF)
Motor seems to be bogged
down and system shuts off
causing motor to overheat.
1. The Pressure Regulating Valve is
completely closed off.
2. Check valve is bad.
3. Bad motor and/or pump.
1. Turn Pressure Regulating Valve counterclockwise until the pressure gauge is between 190psi - 210psi.
2. Purchase new check valve. (007CV25)
3. Replace motor and/or pump.
System only runs with the
extra run button and clock is
not keeping time.
The timer is no longer good.
Replace timer from your local authorized dealer.
System runs continuously
and won’t shut off, even in
the “OFF” position.
The timer is no longer good.
Replace timer from your local authorized dealer.
Spray tips are dripping.
1. Excessive pressure in nozzle tubing.
2. Loose spray tip.
3. Air in nozzle tubing.
4. Check valve not working.
1. Turn Pressure Regulating Valve counterclockwise until the pressure gauge is between 190psi - 210psi.
2. Tighten spray tip in nozzle barrel.
3. Check for air bubbles in tubing. Run system with bleed valve open until there is a constant flow of
liquid and then close bleed valve.
4. Purchase new check valve. (007CV25)
Spray is not killing insects.
1. Insufficient pressure.
2. Incorrect spray times.
3. Clogged tips.
4. Inoperative check valve in return
line to tank.
5. 30 gallon concentrate refill in 55
gallon drum.
1. Pressure should be between 190psi and 210psi. Increase the pressure by turning the pressure
regulating valve clockwise until pressure is in proper range. DO NOT TURN VALVE COMPLETELY
2. Confirm clock has the correct time. Spray times may need to be adjusted to increase the number
of spraying times and duration of sprays. We recommend six (6) times a day for 45 seconds to obtain
control (about 10 – 14 days), then the duration time can be reduced to maintain control.
3. Clean outside of spray tip with a damp cloth or steel wool. If this does not work, see below.
4. If pressure drops to zero, replace the check valve (007CV25). If the check valve isn’t holding
pressure this can cause air in the lines and delay spraying of the tips.
5. Check 2.5 gallon bottle to see if it’s for a 30 gallon system or 55 gallon system.
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