Professional digital dimmer designed for fixed installations.
The device depending on the model allow to control four or two
independent circuits of 600W or 1200W loads each. It has built-in interference
suppression system, signal lights, fuses, DMX-512 control and 0 – 10V input.
There are also external control keys available that work in accordance with
one of four built-in functions.
Programmable parameters for all channels:
DMX start address of the first channel
control characteristics (linear, linear inverse, logarithmic, exponential,
switched ON / OFF, three neon control characteristics)
ACL – limiting the output voltage in the range of 50 – 230V with an
accuracy of up to 1V
Preheat – bulb preheating (0 – 10%)
dimmer reaction to DMX signal loss (off, on 100%, slow shutdown, last
DMX value, one of three scenes or one of two chasers)
Individually programmable parameters for each channel:
DMX address (from 1 to 512) – each channel can be ascribed to a
different DMX address or both channels can even have the same
one of eight control characteristics
limiting the output voltage in the range of 50 – 230V with an accuracy
of up to 1V