AWS1100 Wet Sander Manual 6
Copyright PushCorp, Inc. 2000. All rights reserved.
Figure 3. AWS1100 Air Supply Port.
The single Air Supply Line to the device should be ¼ inch (6mm) diameter flexible
polyurethane tubing. The tubing should be routed to the AWS1100 such that there
are no kinks and that there is plenty of slack to allow for any desired manipulator
motion. Before attaching the Air Supply Line to the unit, open the Shut-Off Valve to
blow out any contaminates which may be in the tubing. Attach the tubing to the Wet
Sander Air Supply fitting. Charge the system with compressed air and verify that
there are no air leaks and that there is a minimum of 80 psi (5.5 bar) at the Air Supply
Port. If a minimum air pressure of 80 psi (5.5 bar) cannot be achieved, then an
auxiliary air compressor or booster pump must be installed.
To remove the Air Supply Line, first release all air pressure in the system. Then, if
using the PushCorp supplied push-lock fitting, push inward on the fitting's ring, then
pull the tubing out. Cover or plug the push-lock fitting any time the Air Supply Line is
not connected. This will keep any contaminants from entering the unit.
NOTE: PushCorp highly recommends the use of flexible polyurethane tubing as
opposed to nylon tubing. This is because nylon tubing tends to crimp shut
when it is bent. This severely limits airflow and may cause erratic operation.
Polyurethane tubing is designed to withstand continuous bending cycles and
resist crimping.