The Phone Clip 2 cannot be found by the mobile phone
when searching for it in the Bluetooth menu.
The Bluetooth pairing failed.
The mobile phone is ringing but the light indicator on the
Phone Clip 2 does not flash, and no ringing tones will sound in the
hearing instruments.
The Phone Clip 2 and mobile phone are not within wireless
range. The Phone Clip 2 is not in Bluetooth pairing mode.
The Phone Clip 2 left Bluetooth pairing mode before mobile
phone completed the pairing session. The wrong 4-digit PIN code has
been entered.
The Phone Clip 2 is powered off. The Phone Clip 2 and mobile
phone have not been paired. The Bluetooth connection between the
Phone Clip 2 and the mobile phone is lost.
Possible Remedies:
Assure that Phone Clip 2 and mobile phone are
within wireless range, and repeat Bluetooth pairing process. The Phone
Clip 2 is only in Bluetooth pairing mode for 120 seconds after having
been activated. Repeat the Bluetooth pairing process.
Possible Remedies:
Repeat the Bluetooth pairing process, and assure
that the process is completed within 120 seconds after having been
activated in the Phone Clip 2. Repeat the Bluetooth pairing process and if
a PIN code is requested, enter 0000 (four zeros).
Possible Remedies:
Power on the Phone Clip 2. Perform the Bluetooth
pairing process and make a Bluetooth connection between the Phone
Clip 2 and the mobile phone. Assure that Bluetooth is enabled in the
mobile phone and make a Bluetooth connection between the Phone Clip
2 and the mobile phone again, e.g. by pressing the multifunction button
briefly on the Phone Clip 2.