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Repair and Maintenance
Tools required: two [2] 13 mm
wrenches, phillips screwdriver
Rear Wheel-Transmission-Motor Assembly Replacement
3. Note the location of all rear wheel assembly hardware and ensure to properly re-install all items, including
the deck and deck scrrews, tightly and securely.
Using two [2] 13 mm wrenches loosen the
rear wheel axle nut and bolt. CAREFULLY remove
the wheel AND transmission from the frame, with the
wheel and motor remaining on the transmission.
1. Using a #2 phillips screwdriver, remove the 5 deck
screws and lift the deck away by shifting it up and
towards the rear of the scooter, allowing the deck
to slip off of the brake pedal. The brake pedal will not
come off with the deck.
2. Using a #2 phillips screwdriver, remove the 2 side-transmission
mounting screws from the frame.