Model 90 Quantifier Sound Level Meter
Page 18
Switching On
Key Press
When the instrument is first switched on, a Welcome screen is shown with the
instrument type and version number. After 3 seconds, the display will change and the
current Sound Level will be shown with the current configuration shown as above.
In this example, the instrument is showing the Fast A-Weighted Sound Level with the
current Date and Time shown at the bottom of the screen. The battery level is shown in
the top right hand corner of the display.
Across the top of the display, above the numbers, is shown the sound level as a bar
graph. This graph is scaled with the current measurement range. Please refer to page
35 for details of changing the measurement range.
The display will also show the battery level and when the instrument is in Overload or
Under Range. The Glossary on page Error! Bookmark not defined. also describes the
indication of Overload and Under Range.
Low Battery Level
Under Range