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TM-7200/TM-6200 High Resolution Digital CCD Camera
3.1.3 Integration
The CCD imager of the TM-7200/TM-6200 can be exposed longer than normal TV timing (16.7 msec.).
Because the TM-7200/TM-6200 has an interline transfer chip, a full frame of resolution is achievable
with the Frame Mode option (OP60).This feature provides high sensitivity for dark environment
A full frame is not available in the shutter mode.
Integration is achieved by controlling pin #11 of the 12-pin connector to Low (GND). Integration also
can be controlled by VINIT with the pulse width more than one field.
During integration, the signal processing keeps optical black levels as the reference black video to
clamp video levels. This results in cancelling out thermal noise during the integration period.
3.1.4 Field Mode and Frame Mode
The standard factory setting for the TM-7200/TM-6200 cameras is FIELD MODE. The mode selection
is by solder jumper on the process board and should only be changed by a PULNiX factory authorized
representative. If FRAME MODE is required, please contact PULNiX for this setting. The differences
between the two modes is explained below.
3.1.4 (a) Field Mode
In Field Mode, two horizontal rows are scanned together, changing the pair at each interlace scan
(Fig. ). The sensitivity of the CCD is doubled for one field of integration, therefore it can obtain the
same sensitivity as in Frame Mode in half the period of time. This is an advantage when the shutter is
used often. Because of the alternating two row scanning, Moire is almost unnoticeable. While the
vertical resolution is not as good as in Frame Mode, it is sufficient to view the full vertical resolution of
the TV format.
Field Mode cannot provide full frame resolution with strobe lighting applications.
3.1.4 (b) Frame Mode
In Frame Mode, each horizontal row is scanned as interlace scanning. The integration of each pixel is
one frame period. Vertical pixel resolution is good, and exact location is obtained. A disadvantage as
compared with Field Mode is the tendency to show vertical Moire. For strobe lighting, Frame Mode
must be used to achieve full frame resolution.