Load Shedding Control
Model LSC-08
Screen 1
Screen 2
Screen 3
Screen 4
Screen 10
Screen 6
Screens 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 are used to adjust the Amperage and time delays in the load shedding program. Note that
screen 4 “
Gen Actual Cur”
is not adjustable and is reading the amperage interpreted by the CT input. Also note that
screen 6 & 10 displays the real time state of the output relays on the controller. Screen 7 indicated the NO or NC
Mode of operation.
The LSC-08 is a standalone load shedding controller designed to work with any single or three phase generator and a
broad range of connected load types controlled by DRY CONTACTS. The controller can be set for 2 different
configurations as follows.
Normally open Mode
is selected when
I2 = 24Vdc
this mode is designed to work with
loads that use a normally open state for control purposes like normally closed relays. The
Normally Closed Mode
selected when
I2 = 0V
This mode is designed to work with normally closed control circuits like low voltage HVAC
control wires and normally open contactors.
The internal program starts to run on power up. At startup all relays will revert to their active state,
will close and
NC Configuration
will open. All relays will remain in their active state for the
duration of the
Delay Shed
period set by
. After
times out the program will look at the value of
Full Load DR02
to determine the maximum amps available. A comparator circuit will look at the assigned amperage
rating of
DR03 Relay1
and the
Gen Actual Cur reading
, (this will always be determined by the higher of the 3 CT
inputs). When capacity is available
will revert to the NORMAL STATE and turn the load on. After the load
is restored the program will pause for the number of seconds set by input setting
DR0A Stabilize Time.
After the
delay period the program will compare the
Gen Actual Cur reading,
Gen Full Load DR02
and the amps
assigned to
if the comparator program determined capacity is available
will revert to its
normal state turning on load 2. This sequence is repeated for
Any time the
Gen Actual Cur
exceeds 90% of
Gen Full Load DR02
All relays will revert to their active state removing all eight of the
loads from the circuit. The program will then repeat the process restoring one load at a time until additional capacity
is no longer available.
Programming Screens
Theory Of Operation
Screen 7
Screens 8 & 9
Screens 5