PS Engineering
PMA8000BT Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Page 3-1
Rev. 1, Oct. 2010
This section provides detailed operating instructions for the PS Engineering PMA8000BT, Audio Selector
Panel/Marker Beacon Receiver/Intercom Systems. Please read it carefully before using the equipment so
that you can take full advantage of its cap abilities.
This section is divided into sections covering the basic operating areas of the PMA8000BT systems. They
are Communications Transceiver Selection, Audio Selector, Intercom, Marker Beacon Receiver and spe-
cial functions, including the Bluetooth® functionality in the PMA8000BT.
Figure 3-1 PMA8000BT Operating Controls
Unit power is turned on and off by pushing the volume knob. In the
or "
" position, the pilot
headset is connected directly to Com 1 as well as unswitched input #1. This allows communication cap a-
bility regardless of unit condition. Any time power is removed or turned
, the audio selector will revert
to fail-safe mode.
The power switch controls all audio selector panel functions, intercom and marker beacon receiver. All
pushbutton selections and function modes will be remembered and return to the last state when turned on.
3.2 Communications Transmit (XMT) Selection (2)
There are two pushbuttons associated with the transmitter selection. The two lower buttons (# 2) control
which transceiver is selected for transmit. The top row of pushbuttons (# 3) allows selection of the receiver
audio. Push the lower button to select the desired COM transmitter.
The PMA8000B-Series has an automatic selector system. Audio from the selected transceiver is automat i-
cally heard in the headsets and speaker (if selected). You can check this function by switching from C
1 transmitter to Com 2 transmitter by pressing the C
2 transmitter selector pushbutton. See that the
associated Com 2 receive pushbutton indicator light that is located immediately above the Com 2 tran s-
mitter pushbutton turns green. This guarantees that the pilot will
hear the audio from the trans-
ceiver selected for transmit.
The PMA8000BT “remembers” the receiver selection, so that when switching transmitters from C
1 to
2, if C
2 audio was previously selected, C
1 audio will continue to be heard. This eliminates
the pilot having to switch Com 1 audio back on, after changing transmitters.