PS Engineering
PMA450 Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Page 2-7
Rev. 6, Dec. 2015
Use the low level output of any additional Music device to connect to the audio panel.
Maximum signal level is
use a speaker-level output, this will
cause internal damage in the audio panel.
Local oscillators and internal signals from Music equipment can cause undesired interference with other
aircraft systems. Before takeoff, operate the entertainment devices to determine if there is any adverse ef-
fect within the aircraft systems. If any unusual operation is noted in flight, immediately switch off the en-
tertainment devices.
All additional entertainment devices must be switched off for both takeoff and landing. Music 2 Mute (J2 Pin 13 & 14)
Connecting J2 pin 13 to pin 14 (or ground) through a SPST switch places the Music #2 music source into
the Karaoke Mode. In this mode, incoming music and intercom conversation will not mute the music for
the passengers’ intercom net. This is useful for passenger-area control of the music muting, and overrides
the menu-controlled setting.
However, Music 2 Mute control is also available in the PMA450 Music Mute Menu.
2.4.14 Playback button Installation
The pilot and copilot can hear the aircraft radio playback.
The Internal Recorder System can be played back from the front panel by pressing the RCV button of the
radio selected for transmission.
Or a remote, momentary, normally open (NO) push button switch may be installed if desired to activate the
Recording System playback. This switch can be located anywhere in cockpit convenient to the pilot's reach.
The NO switch should be connected to pin 22 of J2 of the PMA450, and ground. When installed, this but-
ton will act as in §
2.5 Marker Beacon Installation
Marker Antenna Installation
A marker beacon antenna, appropriate to the type and speed of the aircraft, is required (not included). Refer
to aircraft and antenna manufacturer's installation instructions, as well as AC43.13-2B (or later revision),
Chapter 3, for information on proper antenna installation techniques. The marker beacon antenna must be
mounted on the bottom of the aircraft.
Marker Beacon High Sense select (J2, Pin 30)(S/N D01150 and below only)
The default marker sensitivity for the PMA450 is low sense, or a threshold of 1000µV. To enable High
sensitivity, ground J2, Pin 30 through a toggle switch.
NOTE: Unless this switch is installed, the PMA450 (s/n D01150 and below) will always be in Low Sense
External Marker Lights
For installations that require external marker beacon lights, there are three outputs that can drive 12-Volt
lamps only. The external output lamps are driven high (typ7.0 VDC
4.0 VDC unloaded, at MAX
brightness) when active. Maximum source current per lamp is 125 mA. Voltage varies with photocell
Middle Marker Sense
A Middle Marker Sense output signal is available from the PMA450 to certain flight control systems. This
function will not operate during the test mode. This output will go to +4.5 VDC (
1.0 VDC) when a valid
Middle Marker signal is received. This output is J1, pin 39.