P Z 2 - 1 2 S k i d M o u n t S y s t e m s
Ozone (O
) is generated by irradiating air or oxygen (O
) with ultraviolet radiation. Ozone is a molecule of oxygen that is formed when
three atoms of oxygen are bound together instead of the normal two atoms. The extra oxygen atom makes ozone the most powerful
oxidizer and sanitizer readily available.
Since ozone is unstable and quickly decomposes to normal oxygen under normal conditions, it cannot be shipped or stored. Therefore,
it must be manufactured on site for immediate use. In normal air it lasts about an hour. In normal pool water it lasts just long enough to
purify the water - less than 1 second.
Although ozone is mainly thought of as a sanitizer, it acts primarily as an oxidizer in the pool environment. In a typical pool run on
chlorine only, up to 90 percent of the chlorine may be used up in reactions unrelated to disinfection. The byproducts of these reactions
are combined chlorines. Combined chlorines are the cause of eye irritation, odor, and the other unpleasant side effects of chlorination.
When ozone is used, it oxidizes a large portion of the contaminants (usually referred to as bather load) which result in the formation of
combined chlorines. The result is that more chlorine is available for disinfection and less chlorine is required to maintain the pool.
Ozone also provides some disinfection, but an ozone residual cannot be established, so the use of chlorine or bromine is always
The Prozone Skid Mount System is normally shipped with the ozone side, and plumbing side, bolted together in a back-to-back
configuration. The two halfs may be unbolted and placed side-by-side if desired, requiring less floor space depth but doubling
floor space width.
A flat level surface is required for placement of the PZ2-12 Skid Mount System. Minimum of 48” by 40” for back-to-back
placement or 90” by 20” for side-by-side placement.
2” PVC plumbing, (or adapters if your plumbing is other than 2”), is required for Inlet and Outlet connections.
Check electrical system: 220/240VAC double switched per N.E.C. standards.
Balance the pH.
Shock the pool with a non-lithium based material. The use of calcium hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite is recommended.
The Table below summarizes the levels that are recommended by The Association of Pool and Spa Professionals
(APSP). It is important to maintain these levels in order to prevent corrosion or scaling and to ensure maximum enjoyment
of the pool. Test your water periodically. Take a water sample in to be professionally tested by a Pool and Spa
Professional at least once a month. See our web site for more information on Basic Pool Water Chemistry.
7.2 – 7.6
80 – 120 ppm
< 1,000
Cyanuric Acid
30 – 70 ppm
Free Chlorine
0.5 – 1.5 ppm
Calcium Hardness
60 – 400 ppm
0 ppm
Nitrates / Phosphates
< 30 ppm