QB.11-R Installation and Management
System Parameters
This field shows the OID of the product name in the MIB.
Ethernet MAC Address:
The MAC address of the Ethernet interface of the device.
Shows the product name and firmware build version.
Up Time:
The length of time the device has been up and running since the last reboot.
Mode of Operation:
This field sets the unit as
(layer 2) or as
(layer 3). See
for more information.
Temperature Logging Interval
: This field lets you configure the temperature logging interval (in 5-minute intervals).
Bridge and Routing Modes
Bridge Mode
A bridge is a product that connects a local area network (LAN) to another local area network that uses the same protocol
(for example, Ethernet). You can envision a bridge as being a device that decides whether a message from you to
someone else is going to the local area network in your building or to someone on the local area network in the building
across the street. A bridge examines each message on a LAN, passing those known to be within the same LAN, and
forwarding those known to be on the other interconnected LAN (or LANs).
In bridging networks, computer or node addresses have no specific relationship to location. For this reason, messages
are sent out to every address on the network and accepted only by the intended destination node. Bridges learn which
addresses are on which network and develop a learning table so that subsequent messages can be forwarded to the
correct network.
Bridging networks are generally always interconnected LANs since broadcasting every message to all possible
destination would flood a larger network with unnecessary traffic. For this reason, router networks such as the Internet
use a scheme that assigns addresses to nodes so that a message or packet can be forwarded only in one general
direction rather than forwarded in all directions.
A bridge works at the data-link (physical) layer of a network, copying a data packet from one network to the next network
along the communications path.
The default Bridging Mode is
Transparent Bridging
This mode works if you do not use source routing in your network. If your network is configured to use source routing,
then you should use either Multi-Ring SRTB or Single-Ring SRTB mode.
In Multi-Ring SRTB mode, each unit must be configured with the Bridge number, Radio Ring number, and Token Ring
number. The Radio Ring number is unique for each Token Ring Access Point and the Bridge number is unique for each
Token Ring Access Point on the same Token Ring segment.
Alternatively, you may use the Single-Ring SRTB mode. In this mode, only the Token Ring number is required for
Routing Mode
Routing mode can be used by customers seeking to segment their outdoor wireless network using routers instead of
keeping a transparent or bridged network. By default the unit is configured as a bridge device, which means traffic
between different outdoor locations can be seen from any point on the network.
By switching to routing mode, your network now is segmented by a layer 3 (IP) device. By using Routing mode, each
network behind the BSU and SUs can be considered a separate network with access to each controlled through routing
The use of a router on your network also blocks the retransmission of broadcast and multicast packets on your networks,
which can help to improve the performance on your outdoor network in larger installations.