Antenna Installation
MultiPoint 10200 Series - Antenna Installation Guide
1.2.3 Mounting the Antenna
Mounting an antenna directly to the wall does not let you align the antenna properly with the corresponding antenna at the
opposite end of your wireless link. Poor antenna alignment typically results in poor performance and therefore, we
recommend mounting the antennas to a mast.
The two methods followed frequently to erect an antenna mast are:
Tripod Mount
: The tripod mount is used primarily on peak and flat roofs. The antenna mast must be secured to the
roof using three or four guy wires equally spaced around the mast. When the height of the antenna mast is more than
3 meters (10 ft.), you should use at least three guy wires for every 3-meter (10-foot) section of the mast.
Wall (Side) Mount:
A wall (side) mount allows you to mount the antenna (mast) on the side of a building or on the
side of an elevator penthouse. This provides you with a convenient mounting location, when the roof overhang is not
excessive or when the location is high enough to provide a clear line-of-sight.
When mounting multiple antennas on a single mast, use the following methods to minimize the influence of cross-talk
interference between the antennas:
– Place your antennas as far as possible.
– Mount the directional antennas, such that the identical side of both the antennas face the same direction.
As the mounting procedures for the various antennas differ from one another, refer to the guide that comes along
with the antenna. Antenna
To accommodate the antennas, the antenna mast must satisfy the following requirements:
The construction of the antenna mast must contain sturdy, weatherproof, and non-corrosive material (for example,
galvanized or stainless steel construction pipe).
Diameter of the mast should be between 35 mm (1.4 inches) and 41 mm (1.6 inches). The diameter of the antenna mast
vary depending on the type of antenna you intend to install.
The height of the antenna mast must be high enough to allow the antenna to be installed at least 1.5 m (5 ft.) above the
roof. The height of the antenna should be at least 3 m (10 ft.) above, if it is a metal roof.
The antenna mast or wall bracket must be free from any material (like paint) that prevents a good electrical conduction
with the antenna. Antenna Tilt Angles and corresponding EIRP values
The below mentioned particulars are applicable only to the devices operating in U-NII-1US frequency band
5.15 GHz - 5.25 GHz.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) established new rules for the 5.15 GHz - 5.25 GHz U-NII-1 band in the
Report and Order FCC-14-30A1 are effective from June 2
, 2014. With the help of professional installation, all the Proxim
devices can be configured to comply with the power requirements set in the rules. For an angle of elevation which is above
degrees, the maximum EIRP limit should be set to 125 mW (21 dBm). The compliance can be achieved through proper
selection of antenna, angle of elevation, and Tx power control to provide reasonable protection from harmful interference to
users, authorized devices, and co-channel NGSO/MSS operations.
: The antennas installed at both the ends of a wireless link should maintain same antenna