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Antenna Alignment Display (AAD) provides a measurement of signal quality
in an easy-to-interpret manner—a numeric printed signal value at the CLI and
serial ports. The SNR is numerically displayed on the CLI or serial port by two
decimal characters representing a number from 00 to 99. On the serial port,
AAD is enabled by default after booting.
To start the display, you must enable AAD and a wireless link must be
established between the BSU and the SU.
Aiming is complete if moving in any direction results in a falling SNR value.
The following CLI commands are used to initiate and stop the antenna
alignment process. After the process has been successfully initiated, the CLI
displays the
average SNR
values (in 500 ms
intervals) to indicate the link quality.
Enables display of the local SNR (the SNR measured by the receiver at the
near end).
Enables display of the remote SNR (the SNR as measured by the receiver
at the far end).
Enables display of the average SNR (the average of local and remote SNR).
Disables Antenna Alignment Display (Ctrl-C also disables AAD).