© Prowise B.V.
User Documentation Prowise Mobile Lift
Version 2016
Declaration of Conformity
(in accordance with appendix II.1.A of the Machinery Directive)
With regard to the Machinery Directive.
We, Prowise B.V.
Luchthavenweg 1b
6021 PX Budel
The Netherlands
Declare under sole responsibility that:
We are the manufacturer of the product:
The Mobile Lift with serial number: BW.LIFT.X
to which this declaration refers, is in conformity with the applicable
requirements of the following directive(s):
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC
EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
The following harmonized standards apply:
NEN-EN-ISO 12100
NEN-EN 349
NEN-EN 953
NEN-EN-ISO 13857
NEN-EN 60204-1
Location: Budel
Prowise B.V.
Management of Prowise B.V.