SCSI to SCSI RAID Subsystem
User Manual
Array Name
The name of the array you want to assign to the
Array. Maximum is 20 characters.
The total capacity of the Array in GB.
Re-Mapped BS count
Set the maximum number of bad sector count to be
remapped. Default is 1000. Maximum number of
bad sector is 10,000.
RAID Level
Select the RAID Level you want the Array to use.
The RAID level option will depend on the number of
disk drives selected.
Stripe Size
This parameter sets the size of the stripe written to
each disk. You can set the stripe size to 8k, 16k,
32k, 64k, 128k, 256k or 512k.
Block Size
Use this option to enable creating Volume over
For Windows OS, such as Windows 2000, 2003:
For 64bit LBA mode, such as Windows 2003+SP1
or later versions, Linux 2.6 or later versions:
512 bytes
. Due to LSI chip limitation,
16 Byte CDB option must run at U320 mode.
Task Priority
The priority for background tasks, such as
rebuilding. Options are: LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH.
LOW priority means less system resources are
allotted to background task, and access to Array
and Volume is faster. In HIGH priority, more
system resources are used for background task,
and access to Array and Volume is slower.
Background Init
The default Array Initialization mode is Foreground
Init mode (the Background Init option is
unchecked) and Volume(s) can only be added to
the Array after initialization is completed. When
Background Init mode is used, the Array will be
accessible during initialization and Volume(s) can
be created immediately. Note that accessing the
Array during background initialization can have
performance impact.
Ignore Bad Sectors
Use this option to Ignore Bad Sectors. This option is
used when rescuing Array. It is recommended that
you disable this option in normal situation.