Problems and Solutions
Problems and Solutions
Advice on Film Defects
Your processor has been constructed for long term use. If however irregularities
might occur, you will find help to locate the problem below. Please check the listed
points, before calling your service-technician.
Films do not have enough density
Bath temperature is too low.
Developing time too short.
Exposure time is too short.
Replenishment rate of developer too low.
Developer chemicals are exhausted or too strong diluted: Renew.
Fixer solution has been mixed into developer: Renew. Clean and rinse bath
well before refilling.
Circulation is broken down.
Too high a density
Bath temperature too high.
Developing time too long.
Exposure time is too long.
Replenishment rate of developer too high.
Developer chemicals are too high diluted: Renew.
After renewing chemicals: Starter is missing.
Circulation is broken down.
Films will not dry
If warm air comes out of the air channel in the dryer, chemicals and film type
should be checked.
Fixer solution is exhausted or diluted.
Film has a yellow-green surface
Not fixed correctly. Check the film type and fixer chemistry.
Fixer solution is exhausted or diluted. Replenishment rate of fixer is too low.
Scratches, pressure marks, dirt on film
Prior to processing films, run cleaner films through the processor.
Pressure marks caused by careless handling, finger nails etc.
Rollers are polluted. Clean tanks and roller racks.
Cloudy film
Level in developer is too low.
First guide bar of fixer rack is dirty (condensate or crystals). Clean roller-
Developer is old or circulation not working.
Try processing films by infeeding them with emulsion side up.