Product purpose and areas of use
Sensory integration is the idea behind the development of all Protac products. The theory
originated in the 1970s in the USA, and was developed by A. Jean Ayres, an occupational
therapist and psychologist. The theory is based on how the brain processes sensory impres-
sions, and how the various sensory stimuli can be influenced via applying weight and pres-
sure to the tactile sense (the sense of touch) in the skin and the proprioceptive sense (the
sense of movement) in muscles and joints. The pressure, movement and weight of the balls
act on these senses in particular.
The Protac Ball Blanket was developed to help sufferers of function impairment.
Children, young and old people can benefit from the Protac Ball Blanket:
• Brain damage, including spasticity, Huntington’s Clorea, Parkinson’s Disease and other
• ADHD and autism
• Psychiatric diseases, such as dementia, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, anorexia etc.
• Development problems, sensory problems, deaf/blind, etc.
• Stress
The Protac Ball Blanket can be used for patients with brain damage resulting in spasticity.
The weight and pressure of the balls help suppress spasticity, and calm the body of patients
with brain damage. Furthermore, the patient benefits from enhanced body awareness.
The Protac Ball Blanket is used by ADHD and autism sufferers to sleep with, and as a source
of comfort during the daytime. The pressure and weight of the balls impart sensory stimuli
which help define the body, giving comfort and calm. ADHD sufferers often have a problem
winding down at night, and the Ball Blanket gives the body a signal to relax through its pres-
sure and weight.
Psychiatric patients often suffer from muscular and psychological unrest. The Protac Ball Blan-
ket is used to create calm and comfort for the user. The weight and pressure of the balls also
give a better feeling of body awareness and enhanced wellness. The blanket is used to sleep
with, and to provide comfort during the daytime.
The Protac Ball Blanket is used for sufferers of a range of development problems, sensory
problems, deaf/blindness and to create enhanced sensory stimuli in the body.
The blanket is used for sufferers of stress to provide calmness, comfort and better body
awareness. It is used to sleep with, and to provide comfort during the daytime. Sufferers of
stress often have a problem feeling their body, preventing them falling asleep at night. The
pressure and weight of the blanket give the body a signal to relax.
The Protac Ball Blanket can be used in institutions, sheltered housing, day centres, hospitals,
patient lounges and private homes. The blanket can be used in schools in classrooms or asso-
ciation areas, for instance. At home, the blanket can be used in a bedroom or the lounge.