Rev. E / October 4, 2018
PGA-710B Autoanalysis System
General Voltage Genera on Measurements
Voltage Genera on analysis can be conducted on a variety of
objects and used to assessed opera onal procedures. Recording
data in the voltage genera on mode is similar to recording and
analyzing body voltage. The major di
erences are the procedures
used to obtain voltage genera on, and selec ng generic Voltage
Analysis mode. One is limited only by their imagina on in capital-
izing on this feature. Illustra ons include the following:
1. Personnel voltages while using a chair
2. Voltages generated by a rolling cart, or chair
3. Worksurface suppression analysis measurements
4. Voltages measured within equipment
Basics of Voltage Decay Analysis
Decay tes ng is typically employed for evalua ng ionizing systems, packaging dissipa on, and other tech-
nical control elements where decay me is a useful measurement or analysis tool. A separate set of analy-
sis procedures and Session Wizard details may be used for voltage decay measurements. For detailed
informa on regarding Decay Tes ng, refer to the PGA-710B Autoanalysis How to Test Guideline.
Once a new
le is opened, decay test data is recorded using the same chart controls described above for
recording voltage genera on. Short Cut Keys are also used for this func on:
Open the
Edi ng Control Trim
window and enter desired decay test parameters if not previously entered
through Session Wizard. In this illustra on the decay test cycle me starts (resets) at ±1,000 volts and
ends (cutoof) at ± 10 volts, as shown in Figure 47.
Once the Decay Parameters are set, click
to begin the decay analysis process. This will insert ver -
cal start and stop me lines in the chart area indica ng those test cycles that have the entered param-
eters, in this case ±1,000 to ±10 volts. If the cycle does not meet these parameters, no ver cal start stop
me lines will be entered. Click
then Release to complete the analysis. The horizontal voltage lines
at ±1,000 and ±10 volts will be inserted at this point in the process.
Figure 46: Use Voltage Analysis Formats
for General Measurements
Figure 47: Use Edit Window to Set Decay Parameters