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RLXIB-ICN ♦ 802.11n
User Manual
Industrial Client
Page 26 of 129
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
July 25, 2013
: Assign a network name (SSID) of up to 32 characters. The radio uses
this name in all network references. The SSID of the Client radio must match
that of the Access Point radio you want to connect to.
: The RLXIB-ICN radio is supplied with a dual-band antenna that supports both
frequency ranges. When using a different antenna with the RLXIB-ICN radio, you must choose a
channel and frequency range supported by the antenna.
: Encryption scrambles data so that only intended viewers can
decipher and understand it. Although "Open" is an available Security setting,
ProSoft Technology strongly recommends encrypting all data sent and
received from every radio on your network with WPA2, to help prevent your
data from being intercepted and decoded. The Security setting must match
that of the Access Point radio you want to connect to.
: If using a WPA or WPA2 Security setting enter the WPA
Passphrase that is in the Access Point radio that you want the Client radio to
link to. The WPA/WPA2 key is a pass phrase of between eight and 63 normal
keyboard characters. This phrase automatically generates an encryption key
of 128 hexadecimal characters. The default pass phrase is "passphrase"
(lower case, no quotes).
: If using WEP as the Security setting enter the WEP Key that is in
the Access Point radio that you want the Client radio to link to.
For more information on encryption, see Security settings in the RLXIB-ICN User
: Network SSID, WPA/WPA2 Key, WEP Key are case-sensitive.
If the radio’s RF LEDs do not show consistent activity after a few minutes, then
you may need to modify the radio’s client settings. Click the Specify radio button,
determine the MAC ID of the Ethernet device wired to the radio, and type the ID
into the Client MAC field.
Client devices are identified in the
column in the WirelessN Discovery Tool.
1.7.7 Save the Radio Configuration
Before browsing to other pages in the Radio Configuration window, you must
apply your changes. Click
to save your configuration and restart the radio.