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RLXIB-ICN ♦ 802.11n
User Manual
Industrial Client
Page 24 of 129
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
July 25, 2013
To configure the radio, double click on the radio (Radio1) in the WirelessN
Discovery Tool window. This action opens a web browser (for example Microsoft
Internet Explorer or Firefox) and loads the Radio’s web configuration interface.
Administrator login
With administrative privileges, you can view or modify the configuration of the
access point.
Enter the user name in lower case, no quotes.
The default administrator user name is "admin"
The default password is "password"
The user name and password are case sensitive
Guest login
With guest privileges, you can view the existing configuration, but you cannot
make changes.
Enter the user name in lower case, no quotes
The default guest user name is "guest"
The default password is "password"
: You should change the default user names and passwords, write down the settings,
and keep a copy in a safe place, to protect the radio from being reconfigured or viewed by
unauthorized users.