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ProLinx-HART ♦ ProLinx Gateway
Driver Manual
HART Master with Analog I/O
Page 10 of 104
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
October 13, 2011
System Requirements
The ProSoft Configuration Builder configuration software for the ProLinx-HART module
requires the following minimum hardware and software components:
II 450 MHz minimum. Pentium III 733 MHz (or better) recommended
128 Mbytes of RAM minimum, 256 Mbytes of RAM recommended
100 Mbytes of free hard disk space (or more based on application requirements)
256-color VGA graphics adapter, 800 x 600 minimum resolution (True Color 1024
768 recommended)
CD-ROM drive
Supported operating systems:
Microsoft Windows 7(32 bit) (64bit not tested)
Microsoft Windows Vista (not tested)
Microsoft Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 1 or 2
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 1, 2, or 3 (not tested)
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (not tested)