MVI69E-MBS ♦ CompactLogix™ Platform
Legacy Mode
Modbus Serial Enhanced Communication Module
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 81 of 159
6.2.2 Backplane69 Parameter
This section contains general module configuration parameters, including
database allocation and backplane transfer options.
In the ProSoft Configuration Builder (PCB) tree view, double-click on the
Read Register Start
0 to 5000
Specifies the start of the Read Data area in
module memory. Data in this area is transferred
from the module to the processor.
Read Register Count 0 to 5000
Specifies the size of the Read Data area.
Write Register Start
0 to 5000
Specifies the start of the Write Data area in
module memory. Data in this area is transferred
from the processor to the module.
Write Register Count
0 to 5000
Specifies the size of the Write Data area.
Backplane Fail Count 0 to 65536
Specifies the number of consecutive backplane
transfer failures that can occur before
communications are halted.
Error/Status Block
-1 to 5000
Starting register location in the module’s database
for the error/status table. If a value of -1 is
entered, the error/status data is not placed in the
database. This data must be placed in the Read
Data Range of module memory.
This data includes the module version information
and all server error/status data. Refer to
MBS.STATUS (page 64) for more information.
Initialize Output Data
Yes or No
This parameter determines if the input image data
and the module’s Read Register Data values are
initialized with Read Register Data values from
the processor. If you set the parameter to
, the
Read Register Data values in the module are set
to 0 upon initialization. If you set the parameter to
, the data is initialized with Read Register
Data values from the processor. This option
requires associated ladder logic to pass the data
from the processor to the module.
Block Transfer Size
60, 120 or 240
Specifies the number of words in each block
transferred between the module and processor.