AN-X-MOD (Master)
November 2011
Each scheduled connection consists of output data and input data.
Scheduled outputs from the ControlLogix processor for that connection
begin with a line with just the keyword DataOutput.
Scheduled inputs to the ControlLogix processor for that connection begin
with a line with just the keyword DataInput.
Data definitions consist of lines that define the mapping between the
ControlLogix data table and the Modicon I/O module location (drop,
rack and slot).
They consist of lines of the form
CLX_offset (optional), Modicon_Location, itemname
The CLX_offset is the offset into the ControlLogix data for the
connection. You can select the offset where the data is located or you
can leave it blank and AN-X will automatically assign the offset.
The Modicon_location consists of an address in the form dxrysz where x
is the drop number, from 1 to 32, y is the rack number, from 1 to 5, and s
is the slot number, from 1 to 16.
If the rack number is 1, the explicit rack number (ry) can be omitted.
The itemname is a name you assign to the data. When AN-X creates
aliases to import into RSLogix 5000, it builds the alias name from the
ClxPrefix and the itemname.
If AN-X autoconfigures the network, it creates an item name based on
the Modicon location and data type. You can edit the configuration file
and change the name to something meaningful in terms of the control
system before you generate aliases to import into RSLogix 5000.
To associate ControlLogix offset 27 with the Modicon module at address
drop 4, rack 2, slot 4 and assign it tagname tag1
27, d4r2s4, tag1
To map the Modicon module at address drop 14, rack 1, slot 3 to the next
available ControlLogix location and assign it tagname tag2
, d14r1s3, tag2
or, since the rack number is 1, you can also use
, d14s3, tag2