Refrigerant recovery is the processs of taking refrigerant
out of a system and storing it in a cylinder. The following
information is critical to achieving the best refrigerant
recovery results.
Identify the refrigerant type and quantity in the system to
be serviced.
The RG6000 unit is approved for use with the following
category III, IV, and V refrigerants (per ARI-740) :
R-12, R-22, R-134a, R-401a, R-401b,R-401c, R-402a,
R-402b, R-404a, R-406a, R-407a, R-407b, R-407c,
R-407d, R-408a, R-409a, R-410a, R-411a, R-411b,
R-412a, R-500, R-502, R-507 R-509
Filters and Filter / driers
CAuTION : Filters prevent contamination from entering
the unit, which reduces the risk of damage to the unit
and the system being serviced.
The RG6000 unit is shipped with a filter screen installed
behind the inlet fitting. Promax strongly recommends that
a clean filter screen be used for every service job. Failure
to use a filter screen will invalidate your warranty.
Promax also strongly recommends using a filter / drier
(part no. 100343; not provided) at the inlet fitting. Each
in-line filter / drier must be labeled and used for only one
type of refrigerant.
WARNING : To prevent personal injury, open
service and cylinder valves slOWly to allow
rapid shut-off of gas flow if necessary. Once it is
determined there is no danger, the valves may be
opened fully.
Isolate large amounts of refrigerant and close valves
after use, so if a leak should develop anywhere in the
system, refrigerant will not escape to the atmosphere.
storage Cylinders
WARNING : A storage cylinder is full when it
reaches 80% volume. dO NOT OveRFIll. due to
liquid expansion, the cylinder could explode if filled
to more than 80% volume, possibly causing personal
injury and equipment damage. use a scale, such
as the TIF9010A, to avoid overfilling the storage
Promax recommends using the optional 80% Capacity
Shutoff Kit (p/n SK-5001) with this unit. After the kit is
installed and used with a recovery cylinder having an
internal float switch, the unit automatically shuts down
when the cylinder is 80% full. (Your unit is pre-wired at
the factory for this kit.)
Hoses must be equipped with low-loss fittings and have
pressure ratings appropriate for the refrigerant in the
system being serviced.
shut-off switch
This unit has an internal, high-pressure, shut-off switch.
If system pressure rises above 550 psi, the unit shuts
off. The shut-off switch automatically resets itself after
pressure drops below 400 psi.
WARNING : The internal pressure shut-off
switch does NOT prevent cylinder overfill. If the
system shuts off automatically and is connected
to a cylinder, the cylinder may be dangerously
overfilled. Take immediate measures to relieve the
high pressure and / or cylinder overfill situation, or
personal injury may result.
push / pull procedure
When recovering large amounts of liquid (over 15 lbs.),
use the Push / Pull method described in this manual.
Maximum vacuum and Recovery Rates
To achieve the deepest final vacuum, use an evacuated
recovery cylinder. To maximize recovery rates :
Use the shortest possible length of 3/8" or larger hose.
(A hose no longer than 3 feet is recommended.)
Remove unnecessary hose core depressors, and
remove Schrader valves from port connections.
Deformed rubber seals and core depressors in hoses,
as well as faulty or unnecessary Schrader valves, can
restrict flow.
If you are certain the refrigerant in the system being
serviced is clean or new, the filter screen may be
removed from the inlet fitting.
Purge the RG6000 during the end of the vapor
recovery phase, especially when recovering large
amounts of vapor. Purge again after the recovery
process is complete and the desired vacuum has been
achieved. Refer to “Purge the RG6000 Unit” at the end
of the
Standard Operating Instructions
CAuTION : Keep all connections to the refrigeration
system dry and clean. damage will occur if moisture
is allowed to enter the system.