4.2.4 M easurement of digital channels P ower measurement of digital channels
P R O M AX -6
directly provides the power measurement for QAM digital channels
with a bandwidth of 7 or 8 MHz as described below:
Select digital channel measurement mode in accordance with section 4.2.2.
Select the desired tuning mode and tune the desired signal in accordance with
section 4.2.1.
Wait for the measured value to stabilise. Read the vale displayed. Units will be
expressed in dBµ V (dBmV using option OPT-006-61 or by means of the
personalisation program RM-006).
The direct reading range covers from 34 up to 129 dBµ V and all measurements
within this range are entirely automatic. The microprocessor calculate the
attenuation value for the suitable measurement range. When the signal level to
be measured is lower/equal to the sensitivity or is higher/equal to the
equipment's saturation level, the signs "<" or ">" appear, respectively.
E xample 10.
Measurement of power level of a digital channel (D25)