EN 23
connect to the NAS device by the “NAS name”. If the NAS device uses a fixed IP address (either in the local
area network or in the public internet), the
IP Camera
can connect to it by the “NAS IP address”.
The “Shared folder name” is the folder in the NAS device that will record the video files of the
IP Camera
The “NAS access account” and “NAS access password” are the username and password to login into the
specified “Shared folder name” of the NAS device.
NAS Scan – use this to scan for some specific NAS devices in the same network. Not all the NAS devices
are supported for this scan function.
NAS Info – display the NAS storage capacity and available disk space.
Configure NAS (web) – click this to connect to the web configuration page of the NAS device. Need to key
in the login username/password of the NAS device.
Access NAS files – on the Microsoft Windows platform, click this to access the files on the NAS devices.
In the Microsoft Windows environment, you can access to the NAS device by keying the URL address \\”NAS
name”\”shared folder name” or \\”NAS IP address”\”shared folder name” in the windows Internet Explorer, and
then key in the “NAS access account” and “NAS access password” to the prompted login window. The video
files are recorded under the subfolder IPCamRecordFiles/Recording/ID-ID, where ID is the ID of this
IP Camera
All the recorded files are with the name of hhmmss.crf format, where hh is the hour, mm is the minute, ss is
the second of the starting time of the recording video. The files are segmented every five minutes. Users can
use the free bundled
LivePlay software
to play back the video files.
Figure 3-15: NAS Storage Settings page