EN 12
WiFi Security
You can use the wireless to connect the
IP Camera
to the network. If your network environment has an 802.11
b/g router or AP running, you can check the “Enable WiFi function” button to use the wireless.
Figure 3-7: WiFi security disabled page
In order to use the wireless network, you need to fill the following fields:
SSID – this is the ID of the wireless router or AP of your wireless network environment, must be set
Security mode – this is the security mode used in the wireless router or AP. Need to choose one of the
three modes – None, WEP and WPA-PSK.
WEP: Wireless Encryption Protocol.
WPA: WiFi Protected Access.
PSK: Pre-Shared Key.
TKIP: Temporal Key Integrity Protocol.
AES: Advanced Encryption Standard.
WEP mode – when the WEP mode is chosen, you need also choose between 64-bit (5 char), 64-bit (10 hex),
128-bit (13 char) and 128-bit (26 hex) encryption mode, and then fill the WEP key correctly.
WPA-PSK mode - when the WPA-PSK mode is chosen, you need also choose between TKIP and AES
encryption mode, and then fill the WPA-PSK key correctly. WPA2-PSK is also supported. But WPA
Enterprise or WPA2 Enterprise is not supported.
All the fields in this page must be filled correctly with the same settings the wireless router or AP using.
Figure 3-8: WiFi security enabled page