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Page 21
Picture 16. Video input on the side panel of Ikusnet2 BP
Setting the IP parameters
We will split this chapter in two different types of interfaces: Wired (Ethernet)
and Wireless (3G/4G). Wi-Fi can also be used as a streaming interface but it will
be described in a different chapter.
Wired IP connection (Ethernet)
Ikusnet2 units come equipped with one or two Ethernet interfaces. Each
Ethernet interface is fully TCP/UDP/IP standard, and can be connected to any
standard IP network, be it local or part of a wide network, such as the Internet.
First of all, the customer will have to set up all IP parameters. These settings will
depend on the network topology. The assistance from the IT personnel might be
necessary in some advanced networks.
To configure the IP parameters, click on the following icons of the front panel
menu or the web page: