Troubleshooting & Technical Summary
The choices are: 3,4,5,7,9, 10,11,N/A.
HDD Off After
You can set any IDE hard disk drive to turn off after
a set period of system inactivity, measured in min-
utes, up to 15 minutes. All other devices remain ac-
IRQ Settings
We suggest leaving these set to the default settings.
Power Button Override
Under ACPI, the system can be turned off mechani-
cally (by the power button) or it can use a software
power off.
This item allows you to define a software power off
using the power button. If the value is set to Instant-
Off, the power button will automatically cause a
software power off. If the value is set to Delay 4 Sec
the power button must be held down for a full four
seconds to cause a software power off. If the system
has been turned off by software, the system can be
resumed by a LAN, Modem or Alarm wake up signal.
Power Up Controls
In Suspend mode, the system will wake up if an in-
stalled modem receives a ring signal from the tele-
phone line, or if there is a Power Management Event
in the MAC or on the PCI bus. You shouldn’t need to
change these settings.
Power Up by Alarm