Section 1
The controller “D” version
1-1 Front panels description.
Turns power ON and OFF
2 – Right lever: CW momentary switch
Pushing and holding this switch will make the rotator turn clockwise
If you have used the preset, or computer control to start rotation, you can over-ride those commands
by momentarily depressing the switch.
3 – Left Lever: CCW momentary switch
Pushing and holding this switch will make the rotator turn anti-clockwise
If you have used the preset, or computer control to start rotation, you can over-ride those commands
by momentarily depressing the switch.
4 - Display
The display will show the current bearing in degrees.
When the preset knob is turned, the display will show the preset bearing.
The decimal points on the LED display blink
* when you turn the target position knob on the front panel
* rotation begins and is in progress
* when rotation is complete. At that time the display will blink for the programmed delay time before
further rotations are permitted. (Note - if the CW or CCW keys have been used, further rotations in the
same direction are not subject to this delay time)
5 - Preset rotating encoder
To preset rotation, turn the knob to the desired bearing. 3 seconds later, rotation towards the preset
position will start, with the display showing the bearing as it changes. "Err" is displayed if the preset
knob is turned to a position outside the rotation limits.