VISTEK V6333E/D & V6333Q/D
hd/sd sdi digital audio multiplexer
Issue 5
There is only one fuse on these modules, which is in series with the main DC input.
Flash Memory Card
The Flash Memory Card stores the firmware for the Microcontroller and the FPGA and is essential for the
operation of the module. If this card is missing, the front panel display will come up with an error message
(ERROR 10). The Flash Memory Card sits in a socket with a location peg to the right. In case of a
firmware upgrade, one has to make sure that the replaced card sits firmly and straight in the socket with the
location peg mating with the positioning hole on the baseboard.
The Flash Memory Card is re-programmable. Customers are kindly asked not to throw it away after having
upgraded a module with a newer firmware version. A Vistek service technician will collect it on his/her next
visit or it can be put an envelope and sent back to the postal address shown on the cover of this manual.
Fuse 2 Amp Wire ended
In series with the +15V input to the module on the I/O daughter board.
Flash Memory Card
(Side view)
Socket (Top view)
Location peg
Positioning hole