Technical manual August 2009
Rev: 01/08/09
Mechanical Systems
If the hoist goes down to the end of the strap and then goes up again with the up and
down functions reversed, the “slack strap” safety feature is not working:
Because the roller assembly inside the tape switch assembly is stuck and is therefore
not activating the micro switch. Clean the inside assembly of all debris and make sure
all parts are loose. Then check for the click of the switch as the roller assembly comes
to the end of the slot. If there is no click, The 2 switch screws should be loosened and
the switch pushed closer to the tape switch roller. Make sure that nothing is stuck or
jammed in the assembly.
Because the switch is too close to the roller assembly. The 2 switch screws should be
loosened and the switch pushed farther away from the tape switch roller.
Because of a wiring problem. Check the wiring from the tape switch assembly to the
main circuit board.
Because the micro switch is malfunctioning. Replace the switch.
The hoist intermittently performs a pneumatically controlled function by itself
(pneumatically controlled functions are on/off, emergency lowering, up, down and,
where applicable, power traversing of hoist and power H system)
There is likely a slow leak in the pneumatic system. The first elements of the pneumatic
system to be checked are the grommets (there is one on the hand control and one on
the hoist). For a complete check of the pneumatic system, see sections P1 to P4.
Frequent detachment and re-attachment of the airline or rough usage causes wear and
tear in the air holes of the grommets. Clients should NEVER use the hand
control/airline to pull the hoist along the track.
The strap goes all the way into the gearbox
The “thick strap” safety feature is not working:
Because the moving roller assembly does not activate the switch. Introduce a slight
bend in the metal strip (which activates the switch) such that activation takes place
when a double thickness of strap is forced between moving rollers inside the tape
switch assembly. Make sure that nothing is stuck or jammed in the assembly.
Bend the limit switch strip to ensure