2.5.3 Filter Tagging
The positions of filter wheels can be named to help you remember which filters set are in
which location. These names called “tags” are displayed on the control centre display once
they have been set. Each Filter position in each filter wheel can be given a unique name.
Use the following ASCII commands sent via RS232 through a terminal or via the VBDemo
program supplied free on the Prior Website www.prior.com.
Arguments Response
Displays tag text for filter wheel w at position p.
7,1,T,3 will respond with text for filter wheel 1 position 3.
W,T,P, text R
Writes text to memory for filter wheel W and Position P.
7,1,T,3,Dapi will set the tag for filter wheel 1 position 3 to “Dapi”
Tags are 6 characters log and are displayed in control centre display.
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